Implementation phase

What is the Implementation Phase?

The Implementation Phase of REDD+ follows after the country finalizes its Readiness Phase. This means the country has done the following:

  1. built sufficient capacity in its institutions to be able to perform REDD+ projects successfully.
  2. This also means the country has its data systems in place to have real-time and up to date monitoring of its forest coverage and emission levels.
  3. And, last but not least, the country has formulated a national strategy for REDD+ which will be implemented in the country’s policies.

In the Implementation phase Results-based actions are implemented at the national level and results are fully measured, reported and verified. Countries can access results-based payments when they have completed the reporting, assessment and analysis processes under the UNFCCC.

How long does the Implementation Phase last?

The Implementation Phase will start at the earliest by the end of 2020 and can last indefinitely.

What are the goals in the REDD+ Implementation Phase?

The Implementation Phase focuses on projects:

  • helping the country to maintain its forests,
  • create alternative income sources apart from mining or (unsustainable) forestry,
  • help further reduce emissions
  • create sustainable livelihoods for forest-dependable communities.

What are activities in the REDD+ Implementation Phase?

Suriname itself creates its projects and its development path. These projects will be submitted to donor funds like the FCPF Carbon Fund or other Green Funds and are then eligible for funding.