Who is involved


The REDD+ program can only succeed when all stakeholders are involved in the stages of the process. The REDD+ program is a national program and thus needs a countrywide representation.

In the Project Document the list of stakeholders is described extensively.

The Project Management Unit is the executing body of the REDD+ program and thus coordinates with all official program bodies.

REDD+ Stakeholders

The REDD+ program knows several stakeholders. The following boards and collectives embed their representation at policy and executive level:

  • Project Board; a countrywide representation
  • Major Groups Collective (formalization in progress); representation from the Major Groups as distinguished by the UN.
  • REDD+ Assistants Collective; representation of indigenous and tribal communities

Organogram of the Project

Mutual relations between the various bodies are indicated in the organogram for the REDD+ project.
The executing bodies report to the implementation & coordination organizations: NIMOS and/or UNDP Suriname.